There is nothing quite like a woman scorned. The irony is that i didn't scorn anyone. As I wrote a while back my ex girlfriend broke up with me about 2 months after we had already broken up. I tried to explain my inability to have a long distance relationship and I guess I just wasn't clear. I don't know how that happened. But later she read about it on my blog and was somehow totally surprised. She knew about it from when we were dating, so I didn't think anything was a surprise.
I don't even have any posts about our relationship on here. I originally wrote a post about our first night together, but I took it down when I realized that I was having real feelings for her. But I guess that's neither here nor there.
After breaking up with me in a vicious email which ended in her calling me a pervert, she a week later let me have it on im. I really wish I could feel sad about the loss of our relationship, but for me it was already over. It ended when we broke up the first time. She sent me one final email asking me to delete the host of naked pictures of her I have. I don't really look at them anymore, but come on.
A week after that she started telling lies about me at my old job. She told them that we started dating while I was working there, which simply wasn't true. I asked her out after my last day there. It was exactly why I decided to go for it.
Two weeks ago I come into work just like any other normal day and boom. My boss rolls in with a lady from hr. They start throwing out some really messed up accusations at me. It was a real treat. They sent me home for a week of paid leave. While they "investigated." They never actually talked to me about anything. The hr lady said she would let me have a background check to prove my innocence. But of course she never sent me the link to fill it out.
Later in the week I received an email accusing me of being inappropriate at my current job. Again no explanation was given of the charges. They finally called me in over a week later. Like I can't smell a bushwacking. I had already chatted to my lawyers and knew they were being totally unprofessional in their technique. But hey, I was already starting to hate the job.
So I finally met the head of my department. They decided to fire me for me blog. As you know this blog doesn't have my real name on it. In the meeting the HR lady lied and said that's how they knew about it. They claimed that the other investigations were just a coincidence. AKA I was innocent but they just wanted a reason to fire me. The HR lady said I chose not to accept the background check and when I asked her why she didn't send it to me, she admitted that she knew I hadn't received it.
Overall, it was a boring experience. I thought getting fired would be an emotional experience, but really my life is already moving forward. I am mostly just sharing because let's be honest it's a good story. I might start writing more about my experience and talking about where I actually worked later on. For now I have no heart for vengeance. I just don't care.
So my ex girlfriend got me fired from my job. In the end the reason they gave was that I am doing "work of a sexual nature." I make no apologies for the life I live. I tried to keep my work and private life separate but hey I guess those days are over.
And yes. I still have a stack of pics of my ex girlfriend. Will I post them on the internet? Right now I can't be bothered. It's just a shame that she misunderstood me and decided to try and mess with my life in a major way. I didn't even sleep with any other girls in between when I thought we broke up and when she did.